In addition to having a Mexico travel blog, I also curate a group on Facebook called, Mexico Travel Writers, Bloggers,Vloggers & Photographers. It was created to showcase the writing and work of those who share a similar passion: showcasing Mexico as a premiere destination for travel.
The group includes talented participants not only from Mexico, but from dozens of destinations around the world who love Mexico including the U.S., Canada, England, Sweden, India and more.
In order to celebrate the vibrant and emotional festivities of Day of the Dead – Día de Los Muertos, below you will find few favorite photos from the group:

Photo by Silvia Martinez, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Photo by Manuel Mendoza, Oaxaca, Oaxaca

Photo by Jordi Cueto-Felgueroso Arocha,
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe Habitantes del pueblo de Mixquic, Submitted by Leigh Thelmadatter

Photo by Brenda Cisneros

Photo by Lydia Gregory, Museo de Arte Popular, CDMX, @LydiaGregoryMEX

Kristin Busse and son; Dia de los Muertos

Photo by Lydia Gregory, Museo de Arte Popular, CDMX, @LydiaGregoryMEX

Photo by srkrman, Apizaco, Tlaxcala @srkrman