When we find blogs we like, we want to share them with you. Since starting The MEXICO Report, we’ve come across many resourceful blogs along the way that assist travelers or potential travelers, business people, expats, local residents, volunteers and much more when it comes to choices about Mexico.
These particular blogs highlighted below are part of the Mexico Today program, where I’ve had the opportunity to become familiar with even more Mexico blogs that exist in the blogosphere. Each of these sites offer something topical and diverse, and display an enthusiastic style through each writer’s unique voice, complemented with outstanding images. These are the images of Mexico that you should be seeing.
Created by professionals from the U.S., Canada, South America and Mexico, these writers and bloggers specialize in various fields, environments and niches. They highlight everyday, real life experiences in Mexico, not the dogmatic and isolated crime reports delivered by mainstream media.
Not only do these blogs offer readers another viewpoint of Mexico, they offer a country that is ripe for travel, living, business or retirement, all from first hand experience.
We know there are millions of Mexico enthusiasts in the world who share a love for Mexico, travel and culture. I feel extremely fortunate to be among these forward thinking, proactive, resourceful traveler writers and bloggers and to be able to share even more stories and experiences about Mexico on another level.
The blogs below are part of the Mexico Today program. There are a lot of links, so prepare your ojos.
Mexico Today: http://www.mexicotoday.org
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/MexicoToday
Twitter: @mexicotoday
Mexico Today Group on LinkedIn
Lisa Coleman and David Simmonds
Mexico Premiere – Mexico opinions, news and current events
Site: http://www.mexicopremiere.com
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/mexicopremiere
Twitter: @mexicopremiere
Cristina Potters
Mexico Cooks! – a culinary travelogue, an adventure for the palate, mind, and spirit.
Site: http://mexicocooks.typepad.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mexico-Cooks/
Twitter: @mexicocooks
Tom Johnston
Mexico Business Blog – considerations on trade, business, politics and life in Mexico
Site: http://www.bdp-americas.com/blog/
Laura Winfree de Mendez
Gringation – a Gringa living in Cancun
Site: http://gringationcancun.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @CancunGringa
Ana Flores
Spanglish Baby – resourceful blog about raising bilingual kids
Site: http://www.spanglishbaby.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/spanglishbaby
Twitter: @spanglishbaby
Sean Goforth
Mexico Foreign Policy Blogs – Mexico
Site: http://mexico.foreignpolicyblogs.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Foreign-Policy-Association/99403315520
Twitter: @SeanHGoforth
Bill Kaliher
MexConnect – an electronic magazine devoted to providing quality information about Mexico
Site: http://www.mexconnect.com/authors/28349-william-b-kaliher
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/mexconnect
Twitter: @mexconnect
Bill’s Mexican Tours – your key to a real Mexico
Site: http://www.billsmexiantours.com
Bill’s Blog
Susie Albin-Najera
The MEXICO Report – good news about Mexico, travel, culture, business, voluntourism
Site: http://www.themexicoreport.com
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/themexicoreport
Twitter: @themexicoreport
Maura Hernandez
The Other Side of the Tortilla – traditional Mexican cooking with a pizca of culture and travel
Site: http://theothersideofthetortilla.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/theothersideofthetortilla
Twitter: @MauraHernandez
Kelly McLaughlin
A Canuck in Cancun – Canadian mom living in Cancun
Site: http://www.cancuncanuck.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/canuckincancun
Twitter: @cancuncanuck
Julie Carmann
Midwesterner in Mexico – the life and times of a gringa in Mexico City
Site: http://www.midwesternerinmexico.com/
Twitter: @mexicojulie
Elizabeth Helsley
Mexipreneur – Expat Entrepreneur Doing Business in Mexico
Site: http://www.mexipreneur.com/
Craig Zabransky
Stay Adventurous – a mindset for travel, a mindset for life
Site: http://www.stayadventurous.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/stayadventurous
Twitter: @StayAdventurous
Brad A. Johnson
Brad A Johnson Blog – internationally renowned food and travel journalist
Site: blog.bradajohnson.net
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Johnson.Brad.A
Twitter: @bradajohnson
Chase Buckner
Journey Mexico – nature, culture, adventure & luxury travel in Mexico
Site: http://www.journeymexico.com/blog/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/JourneyMexico
Twitter: @journeymexico
Simply Vallarta – Puerto Vallarta lifestyle
Site: http://www.simplyvallarta.com
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/simplyvallarta
Twitter: simplyvallarta
Jim Johnston
Mexico City: An Opinionated Guide – travel tips, news, observations
Site: http://mexicocitydf.blogspot.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/JPJMexico
Twitter: @jpjdf
Laura Nazimiec
Go Mexico Guide – Travel, culture, cuisine
Site: http://www.gomexicoguide.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/gomexicoguide
Twitter: @gomexicoguide
Mark Mendiola Guerra
Mexico Unmasked – Mexico enthusiast with a passion for its history, food, geography and diversity of culture and great people
Site: http://mexicounmasked.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/mexicounmaskedcom/153028924770309?sk=wall
Twitter: @planetnomad
Suzanne Barbezat
About.com – Mexico Travel – Mexico Travel Guide
Site: http://gomexico.about.com
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/mexico.travel
Twitter: @mexicoguide
Nancy Dardarian
Countdown to Mexico – Personal blog sharing life in Mazatlán and México travels
Site: http://www.countdowntomexico.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Co
Twitter: @NancyDardarian
Silvia Martinez
Mama Latina Tips – helpful information for bilingual moms
Site: http://www.mamalatinatips.com
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/mamalatinatips
Twitter: @mamalatina
Alvin Starkman
MexConnect and Casa Machaya Oaxaca Bed & Breakfast
Site: http://www.mexconnect.com/authors/11-alvin-starkman
Site: http://www.oaxacadream.com/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/mexconnect
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=15514113365
Twitter: @CasaMachaya
Jessica Seba
Journey Mexico – Nature, Culture, Adventure & Luxury Travel in Mexico
Mexican at Heart – personal blog aimed at sharing experiences and encounters in Mexico
Site: http://www.journeymexico.com
Site: http://www.mexicanatheart.com
Facebook page (1): http://www.facebook.com/JourneyMexico
Facebook page (2): http://www.facebook.com/MexicanAtHeartJ
Twitter (1): @journeymexico
Twitter (2): @MexicanAtHeartJ
All of these blogs are listed on The MEXICO Report’s sidebar, under Mexico Today Blogroll.
Also feel free to visit Mexico Travel Writers, where writers, bloggers, photographers, tourism marketing and public relations professionals come together. Facebook and LinkedIn.
Do you write or manage a Mexico travel blog? Please add yours in the comments section below.
Disclosure: This article is presented on behalf of my work for Mexico Today, an initiative of Marca País – Imagen de México. This program is designed to shine a light on the Mexico that its people experience every day. Although I’m being compensated for my work in creating content for the México Today program, all stories, opinions and passion for all things México shared here are completely my own.
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